Dear sir,
RE: Sample script, 'Defenders of the Laws of Physics.'
With aliens kicking double-decker buses and making them go bendy, people whipping off their clothes to get warm in winter, pedestrians run-bounding along the pavement like they're in an platform video game, it's clear that someone needs to defend the physical laws!
Each episode consists of the introduction of a single aberration into the reality of people's lives, a sequence of almost slapstick scenes showing people adjust, a clever resolution of the problem, and then more slapstick as people re-adjust back to normality.
I guess this would fall under the category of comedy-drama. Whether it be children's entertainment or serious science fiction depends on the age of the viewer. I have made a very crude outline of six half-hour episodes, and provide a full script for the first one, 'The Law of Rigid Buses.'
I hope the originality of the idea appeals to you as much as I think it will!
Yours sincerely,
Dale Mellor