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5.8.1 Reason

Guile is a simple, beautiful, logically clean and infinitely powerful programming language. It can be made to do anything that any other language can do, and compared to other translated languages is as fast and efficient as it gets.

Just about the only downside to Guile compared to any other translated language is that, because Guile is the most efficient of all, the coding syntax is written more for the machine than for the human being. This means that you have to get used to seeing lots and lots of nested parentheses. So long as you adopt a clean programming style (as exemplified in our code and in this document) you won’t have a problem.

It is translated, so that prototype programs can be run instantly, and experiments with programming constructs can be done in real time in a REPL (read, execute, prompt and loop); a command line which allows you to play with the language interactively.

It comes free with a free operating system, keeping the costs down.

While we use it to perform the most basic control of a robot manipulator arm, it has the potential to imbue the arm with artifical intelligence. How long is your string?

There are lots of other good reasons for using Guile when you get to more sophisticated requirements, including the ability to mix Guile code with compiled code (fast as it gets), and future developments which will soon give us a Guile compiler and a Guile virtual machine (so that compiled Guile programs can run in web browsers, even on Windows, for example).

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